🎉 All services are currently free while in beta!
Email Management
Create and manage both individual emails and full email campaigns with our integrated email tools.
Individual Emails
Basic Usage
email to recipient@domain.com saying: Your message here
With Templates
email to client@company.com using: welcome_template
With Attachments
email to team@startup.com with_last_blog saying: Please review this content
MailerLite Campaigns
Campaign Creation
Start a new campaign
Follow the campaign wizard steps:
- Campaign name
- Subject line
- Content type
- Target audience
Submit the campaign
Templates & Snippets
Available email templates:
- New user welcomenewsletter_template
- Standard newsletterfollow_up_template
- Client follow-up
Best Practices
- Use templates for consistent messaging
- Test emails before sending to large groups
- Personalize content when possible
- Follow email marketing best practices